Appetizer Party Survey

Your Name:

Your Email:

Contact #:

Event Date:

The following are a series of questions designed to pinpoint your expectations for your appetizer party. Please answer as accurate as possible and feel free to comment.

Where will the dinner party be hosted?

How many guests will be attending (including yourself)?

How many hors d’eouvres do you require for your party?

What is the occasion

Are there any allergies or sensitivities that you are aware of at this point?

What are some of your favourite foods?

Fruits and Vegetables



What are foods and flavours you dislike?

Fruits and Vegetables



Are there any “classics” or favourite dishes, recipes or ingredients you would like included or recreated?

Would you like your appetizers to be created and prepared with nutrition in mind?

Have you had a private chef in your home before?

May I cook with alcohol?

At what time would you like service to begin?

At what time will your guests begin arriving?

Are your kitchen appliances (stove top, dishwasher, over, refrigerator, freezer) in good working condition?

Do you have an additional fridge or freezer which can be used (if needed) for this event?

What are your two favourite colours?

What is one of your favourite local restaurants?

What is your favourite cocktail or alcoholic drink?

How did you hear about Chef Sheridan?

Is there any other information to be aware of regarding this event?

Anti-spam question: IMPORTANT - answers should be all lowercase, be sure no spaces or caps are added through auto correct