Comment Survey

If you have recently hosted or attended a dinner party we’d love to hear your feedback. Just fill out the comment form below.

Your Name

Your Email

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the value of your experience with Chef Sheridan?


How likely would you be to recommend Chef Sheridan?

I would not recommendI would recommendI would strongly recommend

On scale of 1-10 how would you rate the overall service for your personalized event?


On a scale of 1 -10 how would you rate the food overall, considering taste, pairing, flavour and presentation?


In terms of fine dining experiences how did your meal with Chef Sheridan Rank?

unsatisfactoryon parexceeded expectations

Did you have a favourite dish, course or appetizer which stood above all the rest? Please list below

Was there dish, course, or appetizer in which you did not enjoy? Please list below.

How did you find Chef Sheridan’s understanding of you preferences, food style and dislikes were reflected onto your menu?

inaccuratesomewhat accurateaccuratespot on accurate

Considering the entire evening, what did you find was the most convenient or most enjoyable aspect of your personalized event? Please list below.

Do you have any other comment or advice to share? Please list below

Anti-spam question: IMPORTANT - answers should be all lowercase, be sure no spaces or caps are added through auto correct